Speaking, Lectures, Trainings & Events

These lectures, training and events contain real tools and skills that can be used immediately (no theoretical/hypotheticals)

Candiate Behavioral InterviewingInform you team on how to deveop, conduct and score behavioral interviews
Problem Solving ModelsInform your team on problem soving models and reinforce utilization of technqiues in your company culture
Wellness Program Return On Investment StrategyMake sure you get your return on your investment in wellness and EAP programs
Team Engagement TrainingInform your team on key indicators or employee engagement and how develop a culture of high emplopyee engagement
The Analytic EmployeeDevelop your Analytic Culture
Customer ExperienceLearn how your current customer expereinces will lead future sales
Sales PsychologyLearn how to identify what level of engagement your customers are ready for and interventions to use at each level.
Communication SystemsPsychology of communication
Team Dynamics
Critical ThinkingThe Most Important Skill-Set. Learn nine ways to think critically
Real Bootstrapping and Running Lean For small start-ups and entrepreneurs
All Events Customized To Your Needs